Friday, September 9

japan makes me nervous

I am sitting at the desk at Blue Oyster Gallery...nothing much is happening so I have decided to blog some colour. (If you are in Dunedin you should check the 'art vs rugby' exhibition here...super relevant). Old pictures but I don't mind. I'm pretty sure the Japanese are the leaders of fashion. Sailormoon was YEARS ago but little sailor dresses are so a la mode. And you can't beat that harujuku girl, or Gwen Stefani for that matter. What do you think? Do you know any fabulous websites that cover Japanese fashion really well? Hmm time to research.



  1. japanese vogue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with the ever so eccentric and inspirational anna dello russo!!!!

  2. Thank you both!! I'm going to have to do some exploring... <3


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