It was a rainy day when Zane and I caught the subway out to Brooklyn. When we got off we had to walk under the track where several hobos were having a ferocious laugh about something. Zane and I walked through the suburbs in search of our Brooklyn Blue Bottle - quickly we realised how huge Brooklyn is and its lack of obvious transport. At the Blue Bottle we ran into one of Zane's old co-workers which made for a happy and bizarre experience. Above are photos of the Willamsburg bridge in one of the Brooklyn hot spots, Willamsburg.
This chocolate had no chance at a long and prosperous life. |
Major disaster struck when the place we planned for lunch only did brunch and dinner. We assumed it would be a short walk in the drizzling rain to another part of Brooklyn where our back up option was located. Oh how wrong we were. Zane and I walked for over 2 and a 1/2 hours past factories and highways and even several blocks of a strict Jewish neighbourhood which had school buses and shops adorned with Hebrew and countless men with greased ringlets and plastic bags over their round hats. After slipping in the endless dog poo that litters the streets of Brooklyn and even some miscellaneous horse poo, we made it to 4 and 20 Blackbirds. Absolutely soaking, Zane and I devoured some of the best slices of pie we have ever had. After, in a state of slight despair and derange, we caught a bus to the Slate Company...only to find it was closed. I trudged up to a NYPD man to ask for directions but he scowled at me and told me he wasn't from around here. Busting to pee and stuck in Brooklyn we caught a bus and prayed for the best (later we realised our Metro cards didn't work for the bus but the drivers were too kind to say anything)...Writing this post suggests that we made it back but you never know...
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